all postcodes in CB2 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB2 7AA 7 0 52.194098 0.122226
CB2 7AD 1 1 52.197016 0.121955
CB2 7EB 30 4 52.19299 0.119847
CB2 7EE 4 0 52.191108 0.121952
CB2 7EF 1 1 52.192486 0.119369
CB2 7EG 12 0 52.190312 0.118754
CB2 7EH 12 0 52.190873 0.121019
CB2 7EJ 4 0 52.191337 0.116228
CB2 7EL 2 0 52.191852 0.118357
CB2 7EQ 11 0 52.191063 0.11898
CB2 7TS 4 0 52.19111 0.122845
CB2 7TT 5 0 52.19077 0.122243
CB2 7TU 4 0 52.190731 0.119432
CB2 7TX 6 0 52.190925 0.119676
CB2 7TY 14 0 52.191043 0.120105
CB2 7TZ 14 0 52.190508 0.121353
CB2 7UA 4 0 52.190223 0.121208